13 Best Large Foliage Houseplants Indoor Plants With Big Leaves
Table Of Content Philodendron Gloriosum Pinstripe Houseplant (Calathea ornata) How to Care for Wandering Jew for Massive Growth (7 Ideal Conditions) Best Large Indoor Dracaena Big plants that are easy to keep alive! Giant Bird of Paradise The plant needs steady watering in the hot, dry season, but it allows the soil to dry out slightly before watering when indoors. It can reach heights of 20 to 30 feet if left unchecked, but if you’ve got ceilings lower than that (as most of us do), they won’t get nearly as tall. You can always lop off the top to create a wide plant with outreaching branches, which is a unique and creative look for these trees. Water them regularly without letting the soil dry out, and fertilize them once a month with a half-strength all-purpose fertilizer. If you’re cringing at this plant on our list, it’s okay, we get it. But these plants really just need a little more love and care than some to thrive, and routine is key. Philodendron Gloriosum Most often se...